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Porcelain clay in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2021-01-15Updated:2021-01-15
Similar words: porcelainsinclairunclaimedgreen clayupton sinclairsinclair lewislay claimroyal air forceMeaning: n. a fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals (as feldspar); used in ceramics and as an absorbent and as a filler (e.g., in paper). 
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1. Underground rich porcelain clay, iron, sodium feldspar resources is allowed to fame.
2. There is a common view that this kilns porcelain clay which was used in shaping came from Bijia Shan itself and Feitianyan Shan.
3. The porcelain clay that you will use for your craft frogs will dry in a nice shade of white.
4. Work "fun" is the use of porcelain clay to create a character expression and local dynamics, full taste.
5. The other with porcelain clay fire, the family is decorated about 80% of the buyers choose this brick for ground decorates material.
6. The chemical reaction process of porcelain clay detergent with diesel exhaust gas was investigated in a jet bubbling reactor.
7. By working with porcelain clay , glass, and rubber, I explore objects that relate to the organic systems of the body and natural world.
8. And since 1984 has been China's largest porcelain clay coating suppliers.
9. Ceramic industry: abrasive materials, alumina, porcelain clay mud, mud and superfine glass powder, refractory material, quartz sand, PVC powder grain tree, citric acid, PE powder, washing powder, etc.
10. Porcelain makes glazed pottery, become by porcelain clay fire namely, bibulous rate is inferior, strength is relative taller.
11. This paper introduces the geological features about porcelain clay in NeHe city, and puts forward the exploitation and application prospects according to the economic feature of NeHe city.
12. Jenny took the society through all the processes before and after firing at high temperatures fine porcelain clay.
13. Both accumulation of metals in vivo in plants and distribution of the plant species growing in porcelain clay abandoned in a selected mine of copper and zinc were investigated.
14. In the third chapter, author takes a statistic analysis about the mine deposited and exploitation thing and exploitation foreground, which includes granite, porcelain clay, bluestone,[Sentencedict] quartz etc.
15. As one of the three ancient kiln in Jingdezhen, Yao Li has won a world thick high-quality porcelain clay kaolin, used as merchandise exports to Jingdezhen.
16. Combining literature, dictating materials and field research, this essay points out and proves a new view that Shuigang Shan is the place which was the primary site for gathering the porcelain clay.
17. The aniline in waste water was satisfactorily treated by CTS_modified porcelain clay.
18. The diluting mechanism of organic and inorganic diluents for porcelain clay containing montmorillonite slip have been explored by X-Ray Diffractometer and Transmission Electron Microscope.
19. Pili Tile is an important commodity in building material market, its production technology is peculiar and is strict with pottery and porcelain clay.
20. Learn how to mold a pottery mask out of porcelain clay in this free ceramics video tutorial.
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